Results for 'Cornelia E. Zorca'

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  1.  19
    Multifaceted targeted protein degradation systems for different cellular compartments.Cornelia E. Zorca, Armaan Fallahi, Sophie Luo & Mohamed A. Eldeeb - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (6):2200008.
    Selective protein degradation maintains cellular homeostasis, but this process is disrupted in many diseases. Targeted protein degradation (TPD) approaches, built upon existing cellular mechanisms, are promising methods for therapeutically regulating protein levels. Here, we review the diverse palette of tools that are now available for doing so throughout the gene expression pathway and in specific cellular compartments. These include methods for directly removing targeted proteins via the ubiquitin proteasome system with proteolysis targeting chimeras (PROTACs) or dephosphorylation targeting chimeras (DEPTACs). Similar (...)
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    Fine‐tuning ER‐phagy by post‐translational modifications.Mohamed A. Eldeeb, Cornelia E. Zorca, Mohamed A. Ragheb, Fatma B. Rashidi & Doaa S. Salah El-Din - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (2):2000212.
    Autophagy functions in both selective and non‐selective ways to maintain cellular homeostasis. Endoplasmic reticulum autophagy (ER‐phagy) is a subclass of autophagy responsible for the degradation of the endoplasmic reticulum through selective encapsulation into autophagosomes. ER‐phagy occurs both under physiological conditions and in response to stress cues, and plays a crucial role in maintaining the homeostatic control of the organelle. Although specific receptors that target parts of the ER membrane, as well as, internal proteins for lysosomal degradation have been identified, the (...)
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    The Imposition of Form: Studies in Narrative Representation and Knowledge (review).Cornelia E. Brown - 1989 - Philosophy and Literature 13 (2):396-397.
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    Coworking Spaces: A Source of Social Support for Independent Professionals.Cornelia Gerdenitsch, Tabea E. Scheel, Julia Andorfer & Christian Korunka - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Rural economic development through local self-development strategies.Cornelia Flora, Jan L. Flora, Gary P. Green & Frederick E. Schmidt - 1991 - Agriculture and Human Values 8 (3):19-24.
    During the 1980s many communities turned to grassroots activities to promote economic development, rather than relying on industrial recruitment strategies. We evaluate the characteristics of these projects, their benefits and costs, and obstacles they face in the development process. The data are drawn from a survey of more than one hundred communities in the United States. Self-development efforts do not appear to replace traditional rural economic development activities, but may complement them. Self-development activities produce a wide variety of jobs that (...)
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    Social capital dimensions in household food security interventions: implications for rural Uganda.Haroon Sseguya, Robert E. Mazur & Cornelia B. Flora - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (1):117-129.
    We demonstrate that social capital is associated with positive food security outcomes, using survey data from 378 households in rural Uganda. We measured food security with the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale. For social capital, we measured cognitive and structural indicators, with principal components analysis used to identify key factors of the concept for logistic regression analysis. Households with bridging and linking social capital, characterized by membership in groups, access to information from external institutions, and observance of norms in groups, (...)
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    Participation in a single-blinded pediatric therapeutic strategy study for juvenile idiopathic arthritis: are parents and patient-participants in equipoise?Petra C. E. Hissink Muller, Bahar Yildiz, Cornelia F. Allaart, Danielle M. C. Brinkman, Marion van Rossum, Lisette W. A. van Suijlekom-Smit, J. Merlijn van den Berg, Rebecca ten Cate & Martine C. de Vries - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-9.
    Background Genuine uncertainty on superiority of one intervention over the other is called equipoise. Physician-investigators in randomized controlled trials need equipoise at least in studies with more than minimal risks. Ideally, this equipoise is also present in patient-participants. In pediatrics, data on equipoise are lacking. We hypothesize that 1) lack of equipoise at enrolment among parents may reduce recruitment; 2) lack of equipoise during participation may reduce retention in patients assigned to a less favoured treatment-strategy. Methods We compared preferences of (...)
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    Forecasting the weather: James Roger Fleming: Inventing atmospheric science: Bjerknes, Rossby, Wexler and the foundation of modern meteorology. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: MIT Press, 2016, 296 pp, $31.00 HB, $22.00 e-book.Cornelia Lüdecke - 2017 - Metascience 26 (2):323-324.
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    Selling appropriate development vs. selling-out rural communities: Empowerment and control in indigengous knowledge discourse. [REVIEW]William E. O'Brien & Cornelia Butler Flora - 1992 - Agriculture and Human Values 9 (2):95-102.
    This paper looks at the languages of empowerment and control as they are expressed by authors writing about “indigenous knowledge.” We performed a content analysis on CIKARD News, a newsletter dealing with the concept of indigenous knowledge. This concept has become increasingly prominent in the discourse of alternative development, addressing issues of ecological sustainability and the empowerment of the rural poor. However, mediated by institutions that perpetuate global and local power asymmetries, the empowering potential of indigenous knowledge may be bypassed. (...)
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  10.  32
    The Life of Forms.Cornelia Zumbusch - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (2):117-132.
    In the preliminary work for his Theses On the Concept of History, Walter Benjamin quotes a passage from Henri Focillon’s La vie des formes, using Focillon’s description of classical style for his own notion of the dialectical image. The Essay locates Benjamin’s surprising reception of Focillon in their common interest in a life of forms, not so much in the sense of aesthetic liveliness as defined by Kant, but in its productiveness of other forms. Focillon’s idea of art history is (...)
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  11.  85
    Merging Inference and Conjecture by Information.Cornelia Burger Isabella & Heidema Johannes - 2002 - Synthese 131 (2):223 - 258.
    The intuitive notion of a binary relation on information-bearers, comparingthem with respect to their closeness to the available information, is oftenconstrued in terms of comparing their symmetric difference with, orcompositional similarity to, the available information. This happens forinstance in some treatments of verisimilitude. We expound an abstractmathematical rendering of the relevant data-dependent relation in theframework of Boolean algebras. For every element t of a Boolean algebra B we construct the t-modulated Boolean algebra Btin which the order relation represents `is at (...)
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  12.  93
    The Representation of Motor (Inter)action, States of Action, and Learning: Three Perspectives on Motor Learning by Way of Imagery and Execution.Cornelia Frank & Thomas Schack - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:224812.
    Learning in intelligent systems is a result of direct or indirect interaction with the environment. Humans can learn by way of different states of (inter-)action such as the execution or the imagery of an action, but their unique potential to induce brain-related as well as mind-related changes in the motor action system is still being debated. The systematic repetition of different states of action (e.g., execution and imagery in terms of physical and mental practice) and their contribution to the learning (...)
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  13.  7
    Ripensando Platone e il platonismo.Cornelia J. De Vogel - 1990
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    Who was Socrates?Cornelia De Vogel - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (2):143-161.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Who was Socrates? CORNELIA DE VOGEL I CONSIDERIT TO BE quite a privilege to be invited to speak of Socrates,1 not only because of the wonderful picture drawn by Plato of his master in what we call the Socratic dialogues, but perhaps mostly because there is a real challenge in the difference of opinion among modern scholars on the question of "Who was Socrates?" I have solid grounds (...)
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  15. Devogel, Cornelia between an old and a new hermeneutic paradigm in the interpretation of Plato.E. Peroli - 1989 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 81 (3):347-392.
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  16.  51
    Keep talking, I need to check my phone! Online vigilance and phubbing: the role of loneliness and moral disengagement.Alexandra Maftei & Cornelia Măirean - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (6):410-424.
    In the present study, we investigated the relationship between online vigilance and phubbing, a specific form of technoference that implies ignoring someone while favoring technological, Internet-based devices, such as smartphones. We also explored the mediating role of loneliness and the moderating role of moral disengagement in the relationship between online vigilance and phubbing. Our sample comprised 607 young adults aged 18 to 30 (M = 20.80, SD = 2.70, 71.5% females) who completed an online survey. Correlation analyses suggested significant positive (...)
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  17.  28
    A Reflective Essay on Piska’s Casebook–Einführung in Die Rechtswissenschaften: Strategische Anleitung und Arbeitsbuch/Casebook–Introduction to Legal Studies: Strategic Guide and Workbook (Facultas 2019).Daniel Green & Cornelia Eißler - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (4):1431-1445.
    Christian Piska, one of the leading Austrian authorities in constitutional and administrative law, published a seventh revised edition of his Casebook—Introduction to Legal Studies in 2019. The work is intended to assist first-year law students in dealing with the challenging of the Written Module Examination Introduction to Legal Studies (“Schriftliche Modulprüfung ‘Einführung in die Rechtswissenschaften’” (University of Vienna, Faculty of Law. 2024). This reflective essay focuses not only on the question what is taught and exemplified as the foundations of legal (...)
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  18.  13
    Character Strengths Profiles in Medical Professionals and Their Impact on Well-Being.Alexandra Huber, Cornelia Strecker, Timo Kachel, Thomas Höge & Stefan Höfer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:566728.
    Character strengths profiles in the specific setting of medical professionals are widely unchartered territory. This paper focused on an overview of character strengths profiles of medical professionals (medical students and physicians) based on literature research and available empirical data illustrating their impact on well-being and work engagement. A literature research was conducted and the majority of peer-reviewed considered articles dealt with theoretical or conceptually driven ‘virtues’ associated with medical specialties or questions of ethics in patient care (e.g., professionalism, or what (...)
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  19.  33
    Emoji as Affective Symbols: Affective Judgments of Emoji, Emoticons, and Human Faces Varying in Emotional Content.Brigitte Fischer & Cornelia Herbert - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    An important function of emoji as communicative symbols is to convey emotional content from sender to receiver in computer-mediated communication, e. g., WhatsApp. However, compared with real faces, pictures or words, many emoji are ambiguous because they do not symbolize a discrete emotion or feeling state. Thus, their meaning relies on the context of the message in which they are embedded. Previous studies investigated affective judgments of pictures, faces, and words suggesting that these stimuli show a typical distribution along the (...)
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  20.  49
    Festschrift for Koenen Cornelia E. Römer, Traianos Gagos (edd.): P. Michigan Koenen (= P. Mich. XVIII): Michigan Texts Published in Honor of Ludwig Koenen . (Studia Amstelodamensia ad Epigraphicam, Ius Antiquum et Papyrologicam pertinentia, 36.) Pp. xxxiv + 416, 43 pls, ills. Amsterdam: J. C. Gieben, 1996. Cased, Nlg. 340. ISBN: 90-5063-127-. [REVIEW]N. Gonis - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (01):236-.
  21.  33
    Continued Confinement of Those Most Vulnerable to COVID-19.Samia Hurst, Eva Maria Belser, Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Pascal Mahon, Cornelia Hummel, Settimio Monteverde, Tanja Krones, Stéphanie Dagron, Cécile Bensimon, Bianca Schaffert, Alexander Trechsel, Luca Chiapperino, Laure Kloetzer, Tania Zittoun, Ralf Jox, Marion Fischer, Anne Dalle Ave, Peter G. Kirchschlaeger & Suerie Moon - 2020 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 30 (3):401-418.
    Continued confinement of those most vulnerable to COVID-19—e.g., the elderly, those with chronic diseases and other risk factors—is presented as an uncontroversial measure when planning exit strategies from lockdown measures. Policies for deconfinement assume that these persons will remain confined even when others will not. This, however, could last quite a long time, and for some this could mean that they will remain in confinement for the rest of their lives.In a policy brief on ethical, legal, and social issues of (...)
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  22. Cornelia J. de Vogel, "Ripensando Platone e il platonismo". [REVIEW]Franco Trabattoni - 1992 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 47 (1):227.
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    Bluestockings E. A. Hemelrijk: Matrona Docta. Educated Women in the Roman Élite from Cornelia to Julia Domna . Pp. xvi + 382, pls. London and New York: Routledge, 1999. Cased, £55. ISBN: 0-415-19693-. [REVIEW]Rebecca Flemming - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (01):130-.
  24.  37
    Juliana Ströbele-Gregor, Olaf Kaltmeier y Cornelia Giebeler (comp.), Construyendo Interculturalidad: Pueblos Indígenas, Educación y Políticas de Identidad en América Latina, GTZ Programa Fortalecimiento de Organizaciones Indígenas en América Latina, Eschborn, 2010, 49 p. [REVIEW]Antonio Elizalde - 2010 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 25.
    Este libro, resultado de un esfuerzo compartido por diversas instituciones, investigadores y editores, encabezados por el Grupo de Investigación E Pluribus Unum? Ethnic Identities in Transnational Integration Processes in the Americas de la Universidad de Bielefeld, trata un tema central para el futuro de nuestras mestizas sociedades latinoamericanas: la necesaria construcción -en el presente que vivimos- de la interculturalidad en nuestra América Latina. Esto en el nuevo contexto donde los ..
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    Textual Notes on Lucan VIII. and Seneca Dialogi.J. P. Postgate - 1915 - Classical Quarterly 9 (02):99-.
    So in this outburst of Cornelia should line 104 be punctuated. For the poenas crudelis compare VII. 431 ‘quod semper saeuas debet tibi Parthia poenas’ and Verg. A. 6. 501 quis tam crudelis optauit sumere poenas? whence, or from ib. 585, ‘uidi et crudelis dantem Salmonea poenas’ we may suppose Lucan derived it. The feeble vulgate punctuation which puts the comma after crudelis, supposed to be vocative, well exemplifies the mischievous influence of propinquity.—I now find the correct punctuation in (...)
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  26.  78
    Theology and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle: I.Christopher F. Mooney - 1993 - Heythrop Journal 34 (3):247–273.
    On Humour and the Comic in the Hebrew Bible. Edited by Y. T. Radday and A. Brenner.The Trouble With Kings: The Composition of rhe Book of Kings in the Deuteronomistic History. By Steven L. McKenzie.Sacred Space: An Approach to the Zheology of the Epistle to the Hebrews. By Marie E. Isaacs.Fourth Ezra: A Commentary on the Book of Fourth Ezra. By Michael Edward StonePaul the Convert: iShe Apostolate and Apostasy of Saul the Pharisee. By Alan F. Segal.Creative Biblical Exegesis: Christian (...)
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  27. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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  28. Ėticheskie aspekty pravosudii︠a︡: (filosofsko-pravovoe issledovanie): monografii︠a︡.E. V. Bolʹshakov - 2021 - Vladimir: VI︠U︡I FSIN Rossii. Edited by I. D. Nazarov.
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  29.  30
    Popolazione umana e sviluppo sostenibile tendenze demografiche e politiche per la popolazione nel contesto italiano.L. Soliani & E. Lucchetti - 1992 - Global Bioethics 5 (2-3):11-50.
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  30. Gilles Deleuze e la pittura.E. Castelli Gattinara - 1987 - Rivista di Estetica 27 (25):124-133.
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  31. Every Day, Thoughts on the G.F.S. Ruler of Life [by E. Welby, Ed by E.H.T.].Ella Welby & H. T. E. - 1895
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  32. Li Shih-tsʻên chʻing pien wan yen shu.Wan-chʻêng Hsü - 1964
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  33. Mārksiṣṭu tatvavētta, caritra pariśōdhakulu Ēụkūru Balarāmamūrti vyāsāvaḷi.Ēṭukūru Balarāmamūrti - 2002 - Haidarābādu: Pratulaku, Viśālāndhra Pabliṣiṅg Haus. Edited by Ēṭukūru Paṅkajamma.
    Selected articles of Ēṭukūru Balarāmamūrti on Marxist philosophy; includes contributed on his life and work.
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  34. Riproducibilità e unicità dell'opera d'arte.Note E. Rassegne - 1968 - Rivista di Estetica 13:107.
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  35. Oriyanut historit ṿe-tipuaḥ ha-biḳortiyut.Oded E. Schremer - 2004 - Ramat Gan: Universiṭat Bar-Ilan.
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  36. Explanation: New Directions in Philosophy. [REVIEW]G. W. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (3):609-609.
    Can contemporary American philosophy be characterized in a way which would meaningfully distinguish it from philosophy in other times, other places? The somewhat negative answer to this question given by John E. Smith and Andrew J. Reck is a source of puzzlement to Roger T. Simonds, author of the first essay in this collaboration volume. Simonds asserts, with reference to activism, pragmatism, and optimism, that while "these qualities are... not the exclusive property of American philosophers," yet "Americans seem to show (...)
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    (1 other version)Politics and Ideology.Lene Aarøe - 2021 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 5 (1):145-148.
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  38.  13
    Psychological parerga: psychogalvanism in the observation of stuporous conditions.E. S. Abbot & F. L. Wells - 1919 - Psychological Review 26 (5):360-365.
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  39. Life After Death: What Hopes?E. W. Adams - 1942 - Hibbert Journal 41:218.
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  40.  66
    Mental causality.E. M. Adams - 1966 - Mind 75 (300):552-563.
  41.  35
    Medical technology assessment and the role of economic evaluation in health care.E. M. M. Adang, A. Ament & C. D. Dirksen - 1996 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2 (4):287-294.
  42.  60
    Perception and the language of appearing.E. M. Adams - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (16):683-690.
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  43.  58
    Philosophy and the modern mind: A defense.E. M. Adams - 1978 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 16 (4):405-413.
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    The Future of the Philosophy of Mind.E. M. Adams - 1965 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):38-44.
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    Science and Morality.A. E. Taylor - 1939 - Philosophy 14 (53):24 - 45.
    Can there be such a thing as moral science, or a science of morality? And if so, what sense has the word science in such a connection? In the middle of the last century such a question would probably have seemed superfluous. Utilitarians, Comtists, and not a few “evolutionists” would all have claimed to be moralists, with this advantage over the metaphysical or theological moralists of an earlier day that their own moral doctrines were “scientific”.
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  46. Antichnyĭ gnostit︠s︡izm: Fragmenty i svidetelʹstva.E. V. Afonasin - 2002 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Olega Abyshko.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ Klimenta Aleksandriĭskogo.E. V. Afonasin - 1997 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo NII matematiko-informat︠s︡ionnykh osnov obuchenii︠a︡ Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.
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  48. Bilancio dell'empirismo contemporaneo nel campo delle scienze esatte.E. Agazzi - 1973 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 65:219.
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  49. Das Alltägliche in der von der Wissenschaft geprägten Kultur unserer Zeit.E. Agazzi - 1981 - Studia Philosophica 40:27.
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    Ideas in theoretical biology.E. Ahmed - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (2):167-168.
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